brave, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, pioneering, self-confident, witty
Fool-hardy, hot-tempered,
impatient, impulsive, selfish
Action, challenges,
leadership, spontaneity
Advices, confessing
mistakes, not being contradicted, tyranny, waiting
Aries is adventurous, ambitious,
active, dynamic, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. You are also extrovert, sociable and self-confident. As the brave
pioneer of the Zodiac, you are not afraid of challenges. However, you are a bit impatient if you do not see quick results.
You love freedom, and you are never afraid of new ideas.
You are a natural leader,
and you like to get things started. You need to be in the lead to feel good. You are sincerely concerned about those who you
are in charge of. Very seldom, you use you leading abilities for personal gain. You need the lead makes you a bad subordinate.
You are unwilling to obey or accept instructions that you do not see any reason for, or which you disagree on.
Much is circulating around
yourself, in positive as well as negative meaning. You have a strong self-confidence, but you are also self-centred. You are
very concerned about your personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Your enormous energy makes you aggressive, restless,
and sometimes quarrelsome. You are stubborn, you have a hot temper, and you are easily offended. You easily hold grudge against
persons that you feel offended by.
You are intellectual and
objective, but you may in rare cases get drawn towards religious and political extremism. You are witty, but also fool-hardy,
and you have a tendency to fight an issue even after it has been acted out. Sometimes you throw yourself into things without
reflecting on possible consequences. To employ your positive sides to the fullest, you need to develop a strong self control,
but without suppressing your powerful nature.
You may be a skilful athlete,
climber or discoverer. You may also work as a doctor, seaman, pilot or soldier, or as a leader in industry or politics.
You are outspoken, direct
and honest, and an enthusiastic and generous friend. You have a strong sex drive and you are a passionate but fastidious lover.
You are unarranged and you have a need to conquer. You are easily irritated by slowness and cautiousness, and you easily hurt
people around you without knowing it by yourself.
But you are the most thoughtful
and loving parent in the entire Zodiac, and you always but your children first.
You are most compatible to
Leo – Your
two very expressive personalities most often fit very well together, and you are housing great admiration towards each other.
Both of you want to be in the centre of attention. This is a very physical and fiery relationship.
Libra – This has good opportunity of being a warm
and love-filled relationship. You complete each other in an excellent way. You house great appreciation towards the passionate
and emotional Libra, and you may answer this emotionality in a way that Libra likes.
Sagittarius – Your two impulsive and freedom-loving
personalities are excellent together.
You are not as compatible to
Aries – Your two personalities have easy understanding
towards each other. However, Aries wants to decide, and this is not a quiet and peaceful relationship. If yet perhaps exciting
and tempting.
Taurus – At the first sight, this might look like
a wonderful combination. The affectionate personality of Taurus is exactly what you seek. Taurus likes your outgoing personality,
and you appreciate the down-to-earth Taurus. However, you are all too different for this to work in long terms.
Gemini – You are all too physical and hot-headed
for the intellectual Gemini.
Cancer – This is most often a difficult combination.
Cancer is all too moody and sentimental for your taste, and does easily make you loose your temper. Cancer has got a hard
time standing your open and direct manners.
Virgo – Quiet and cautious Virgo does not fit well
with your hot tempered personality. Virgo does not like your way of bossing about.
Scorpio – You are both all too hot tempered to get
along. Both of you want to get your will through, and both of you refuse to give in. Physically, this relationship might however
be tempting.
Capricorn – The patient and meditative Capricorn
is just not your type.
Aquarius – You are easily irritated by the unpredictable
manners of Aquarius, and the always benevolent Aquarius might get irritated by your hot temper.
Pisces – Sensitive Pisces do not find much comfort
with your aggressive nature. Dreamy and romantic Pisces is depending on a tactfulness that you lack.
Your opposite
Acne, burning
injuries, burnout, fainting, head injuries, inflammations, sunstroke, swollenness
Mars (Ares) –
the God of War
The Ram
I am
Yang (masculine,
bright, hard, active)
Violet (sweet
pea, crane’s-bill)
All trees with
1 and 9
Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Iceland, Poland
Florence, Marseilles, Naples, Verona
Phrixus and Helle were son
and daughter of King Athamas of Boethia and his wife Nephele. As Nephele died, Athamas married Ino, daughter of King Cadmus
of Thebes. Ino detested the two children.
In an attempt to get rid
of them, she poisoned the ground to destroy the harvest. To find a solution to the harvest crisis, the king sent a messenger
to the oracle of Delphi. Ino bribed the messenger, so that he was to tell the king that the harvest was to be saves
if the children were sacrificed.
Athamas brought the children
with him to the top of mountain to make the sacrifice. But from above, the late Nephele saw what was about to happen, and
asked the gods to intervene. And so, the gods sent a ram with golden skin to bring the children into safety. At the very moment
that the children were to be killed, they jumped up onto the back of the ram, and rode towards Asia. However, as the
ram jumped across the strait between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
Sea, Helle lost her grip and fell off and drowned. Phrixus
did though manage to hold on, and eventually he arrived in the land of Colhis
(the present day country of Georgia). Here, Phrixis out of gratitude sacrifices the ram to Jupiter, and gave the
skin to King Aeetes of Colchis, whose daughter he then married. The king hung the skin on the branch of an oak
tree, where it was forever to be guarded by a dragon. Later, though, the skin was to be stolen by the adventurer Jason…
Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Elton John, H.C. Andersen,
Alec Guinness, Marlon Brando, Doris Day, Harry Houdini, Omar Sharif, David Letterman, Charlie Chaplin.